在台灣,夏天是腸病毒的流行期,而腸病毒的分型非常多種,每種腸病毒感染後的表現也都不太一樣。據衛生福利部疾管署腸病毒疫情監測資料顯示,目前主要流行的腸病毒仍以克沙奇A型為主,但國內仍持續有D68型、71型及克沙奇B型等個案發生。而一般人對於腸病毒重症個案多聚焦於腸病毒71型的感染,但從106年以來,腸病毒併發重症個案卻有高達5成是腸病毒D68 型。
In December 2006, a 3-year-old Chen Xiaodi had a fever, cough, and runny nose for 3 days. When she was in the emergency department, her body was sore and her appetite was poor. It was strange that the younger brother’s hands could not be lifted by herself. The doctor suggested that parents Let the children be hospitalized for observation and treatment; at night, the younger brother’s condition turned sharply, not only with his hands, but also with his feet and trunk, and then he was unable to squat in the hospital bed. After detailed examination, plus blood-sucking cerebrospinal fluid, pathogen collection and culture, brain A series of tests, such as video photography, were finally identified as "acute limb paralysis syndrome caused by enterovirus D68 infection", which is the first case of severe enterovirus D68 infection in Chengda.
Guo Xiaojun, a pediatric emergency doctor at Chengda Hospital, who admitted the sick child, said that during the hospitalization of Chen Xiao’s younger brother, the pediatric medical team of Chengda Hospital used immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, and intensive care unit care. His limb activities have slowly recovered. She was able to sit at the time of discharge, but she was unable to stand and walk, so the small patient continued to be rehabilitated.
In Taiwan, summer is the epidemic period of enterovirus, and the classification of enterovirus is very diverse, and the performance of each enterovirus infection is also different. According to the monitoring data of the enterovirus epidemic situation of the Department of Health and Welfare, the main prevalent enteroviruses are still mainly Keshaqi A type, but there are still cases of D68 type, 71 type and Keshaqi type B. However, most people with severe cases of enterovirus focus on the infection of enterovirus 71, but since 106 years, up to 50% of cases of enterovirus complicated cases are enterovirus D68.
Guo Yujun said that the initial symptoms of enterovirus D68 are like a cold, with fever, runny nose, and cough. There are few typical enteroviruses such as rash angina or hand, foot and mouth disease, but the sick child may In the 3-7 days after infection, the virus suddenly invades the central nervous system such as the brain spinal cord, and sudden limb weakness occurs. In addition, children with asthmatic constitution should also be careful, the enterovirus D68 type is also prone to lung invasion, resulting in short-term breathing, and even respiratory failure.
Guo Yujun pointed out that there is not much experience in the treatment of D68 enterovirus worldwide, and there are no good antiviral drugs available for treatment. Generally, only supportive treatment can be used; when the virus invades the central nervous system and causes acute limb paralysis syndrome, Clinical conditions are considered for the treatment of immunoglobulins, steroids, etc., more severe cases such as respiratory failure, respiratory support, cardiopulmonary failure to the treatment of leaf membrane.
However, the prevention method of enterovirus D68 is similar to other enteroviruses. Guo Yujun said that the most effective prevention method is still to do personal hand hygiene. During the epidemic, young children should reduce their access to crowded public places and implement sickness at home. And other measures to reduce the risk of transmission. She also appealed to the public to pay attention to the health of infants and young children at home. If acute limb weakness is found, they should be sent to the doctor as soon as possible.
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- Sep 11 Wed 2019 20:42
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